National and International Company Databases


Spanish Companies File: Database of companies registered in Spain according to economic activities with more than 4 million addresses.

Source of legitimate information of legal societies and individual companies that carry out activities included in the Royal Decree (RD 475/2007) and that have been obtained from a public Census.

  • Identify and contact customers, suppliers and competition.
  • Update and enrich your own databases.
  • Carry out statistical studies of the business market.
  • Segment and prepare marketing campaigns.
  • Analyze business sectors.

International Databases: Information on companies throughout Europe, Asia, Australia, North America, some African countries, and South America:

They also produce segmentations by:

  • More than 53,000 products and / or activities.
  • Country of destination / origin of export – import.
  • Producers, manufacturers and wholesalers or distributors.

New Companies File: Information on newly created companies at the national level, which allows to know the newly formed companies in a annually and / or monthly basis.

Reports of National and International Companies:

  • Commercial and financial information of national and international companies.
  • More than 200 countries with reports from companies with balance sheets and income statements, risk assessment, sector analysis, financial ratios, commercial risk …

Rankings and Business Sectors: Databases with the main companies according to sectors of activity by autonomous community and at the national level. Closed product at very affordable prices.

Sector Reports : Analysis of specific activity sectors at the national level according to CNAE categories, to know the evolution and trend of the business sector: its size, sales, geographical and economic distribution, main companies, average balance of the sector.

Customized statistics: Statistics and personalized counts prepared with the data available in the Spanish Companies File according to information variables: activities, geographical areas, employees, sales, legal forms …