Applicable regulations


  • The Official Zamora Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services participates in various organizations and entities, representing the entrepreneurs of the province. Among them, we can highlight the following: Law 4/2014, of April 1, Basic of the Official Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Services and Navigation.Articles 22.3 and 4, 28.3 and 29 and the first and second additional provisions of Royal Decree 669/2015, of July 17which develops Law 4/2014, of April 1, Basic of the Official Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Services and Navigation.
  • Law 8/2018, of December 14th, which regulates the Official Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Services of Castilla y León and the Council of Chambers of Castilla y León.
  • Decree 12/2015, dated February 12th, regulating the composition of the governing bodies of the Official Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Services of Castilla y León and the procedure for the election of their members.
  • The Official Zamora Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services participates in various organizations and entities, representing the entrepreneurs of the province. Among them, we can highlight the following: Order EYE/348/2015, dated April 27which approves the rules for the elaboration of the electoral census of the Official Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Services of Castilla y León.
  • The Official Zamora Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services participates in various organizations and entities, representing the entrepreneurs of the province. Among them, we can highlight the following: Order EYE/366/2015, dated April 30th,, which regulates the conditions for the exercise of postal and electronic voting in the electoral process of the Official Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Services of Castilla y León.
  • The Internal Regulations and the Code of Good Practice, proposed by the Plenary of the Chamber and approved by the Administration of the Autonomous Community of Castilla y León.





The functions performed by the Chambers of Commerce in general and, therefore, the Zamora Chamber of Commerce are specified in Article 5 of Law 4/2014 of April 1, Basic of the Official Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Services and Navigation. (Article 5. Functions):


1. The Official Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Services and Navigation will have the following public-administrative functions:


  • To issue certificates of origin and other certifications related to national and international trade, in the cases provided for in the regulations in force.
  • To compile the customs and mercantile uses, as well as the practices and uses of the businesses and to issue certifications about their existence.
  • To be an advisory body to the Public Administrations, under the terms established by them, for the development of trade, industry, services and navigation.
  • To develop activities to support and stimulate foreign trade.
  • To participate with the competent administrations in the organization of practical training in the workplaces included in the Vocational Training courses and in the training actions and initiatives of the Dual Vocational Training especially in the selection and validation of workplaces and companies, in the designation and training of tutors for the students and in the control and evaluation of the compliance with the programming, without prejudice to the functions that can be attributed to the business organizations in this field.
  • To process, in cases where they are required by the General State Administrationthe public programs of aid to companies in the terms established in each case, as well as to manage the public services related to them when their management corresponds to the State Administration.
  • To manage, under the terms of article 8 of this Law, a public census of all the companies, as well as of their establishments, delegations and agencies located in its demarcation.
  • To act as a one-stop shop for businesses, when required to do so by the competent Public Administrations.
  • To collaborate with Public Administrations in the administrative simplification of the procedures for the beginning and development of economic and business activities, as well as in the improvement of the economic-business regulation.
  • To promote actions aimed at increasing the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises, and to encourage innovation and technology transfer to companies.
  • To promote and collaborate with the Public Administrations in the implementation of the digital economy of companies.
  • If the managing authority of the European Union Funds considers it appropriate, the Chambers may participate in the management of European Union Funds aimed at improving competitiveness in companies.


2. The Official Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Services and Navigation will also be responsible for carrying out the public-administrative functions listed below, in the form and to the extent determined, where appropriate, by the Autonomous Communities.


  • To propose to the Public Administrations as many reforms or measures as they consider necessary or convenient for the promotion of trade, industry, services and navigation.
  • To collaborate in the elaboration, development, execution and pursuit of the plans that are designed for the increase of the competitiveness of the trade, the industry, the services and the navigation.
  • To collaborate with Public Administrations as support and advice bodies for the creation of companies.
  • To collaborate with Public Administrations by means of the accomplishment of material actions for the verification of the fulfillment of the legal requirements and verification of mercantile and industrial establishments fulfilling the established in the general and sectorial effective norm.
  • To draw up the statistics, evaluation surveys and studies it considers necessary for the exercise of its competences.
  • To promote and cooperate in the organization of fairs and exhibitions.
  • Collaborate in the training programs established by public or private educational centers and, if necessary, by the competent Public Administrations .
  • To inform the projects of norms emanated from the Autonomous Communities that affect directly to the general interests of the commerce, the industry, the services or the navigation, in the cases and with the reach that the legal order determines.
  • To process public programs of aid to companies under the terms established in each case, as well as to manage public services related to them, when their management corresponds to the regional administration.
  • To collaborate with the competent administration by informing them of the studies, work and actions carried out for the promotion of trade, industry, services and navigation.
  • To contribute to the promotion of tourism within the framework of cooperation and collaboration with the competent Public Administrations.
  • To collaborate with the competent administrations to provide information and guidance on the procedure of evaluation and accreditation for the recognition of the professional competences acquired through work experience, as well as in the provision of facilities and services for the realization of some phases of the procedure, when these administrations establish it.
  • The Chambers of Commerce may also carry out any other function that the Autonomous Communities, in the exercise of their powers, consider necessary.


3. The Official Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Services and Navigation may carry out other activities, which will be of a private nature and provided under free competition, which contribute to the defense, support or promotion of commerce, industry, services and navigation, or which are useful for the development of the indicated purposes and, in particular, establish business information and advisory services. Likewise, they may disseminate and provide training in relation to the organization and management of the company; provide services for the certification and homologation of companies and create, manage and administer franchise, by-product, subcontracting and waste exchanges, as well as wholesale fish markets, complying with the requirements of the sectorial regulations in force for the exercise of these activities. They may also carry out mediation activities, as well as national and international commercial arbitration, in accordance with the provisions of the legislation in force.


4. For the adequate development of their functions, and prior authorization from the supervising administration, the Official Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Services and Navigation may promote or participate in all kinds of associations, foundations and civil or commercial societies, as well as enter into the appropriate collaboration agreements. The tutelary administration will determine the corresponding follow-up mechanisms.


5. The authorization referred to in the previous section shall not imply, in any case, the assumption of any responsibility, either principal or subsidiary, by the tutelary administration in relation to the rights and obligations derived from the actions of the Chambers of Commerce in the scope of their private activities.


6. For the adequate development of their functions, the Official Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Services and Navigation as well as the Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Services and Navigation of Spain and the Public Administrations may enter into agreements as provided for in letters c) and d) of Article 4. 1 of the Merged Text of the Public Sector Contracts Law,approved by Royal Legislative Decree 3/2011, November 14,when the circumstances for doing so occur, and to enter into contracts in which the Public Administrations will comply with the requirements of the aforementioned Merged Text and make use of the remaining instruments permitted by the current legal system. In the development of the public-administrative functions, an adequate coordination with the Public Administrations will be guaranteed by means of the signature of the appropriate instruments of collaboration, as well as through the Plans of actions that, in its case, the competent Administrations dictate by reason of the matter. Likewise, the Official Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Services and Navigation, and the Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Services and Navigation of Spain, may sign agreements or other collaboration instruments to guarantee an adequate coordination of their actions with those carried out by the business organizations.


7. In the development of public administrative functions, the Chambers will guarantee their impartiality and transparency.


8. In the development of all the activities, the Official Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Services and Navigation, as well as the Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Services and Navigation of Spain will respect the conditions of accessibility of the persons with disability in the terms that the regulation of application establishes.The information provided, under any format, and in general, the services of attention to the addressee and its facilities must be accessible to people with disabilities, for which, the needs of the different types of disabilities will be taken into account, making available the means and supports and making the reasonable adjustments that are necessary.